Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homeowners Hints For Annual Insurance Checkup, Home Inventories and More

The New Year is upon us and while we all lead very busy lives, homeowners could serve themselves well by giving themselves an annual homeowner's insurance check-up including taking stock of their coverage. These articles shared offer some helpful hints on just how to do so!

It's also a great time to include in your resolutions for this year maintaining a Home Inventory so you know what the contents of your home are at all times. The time to think about that is not after disaster strikes, but before, and by using these helpful hints you can save yourself a lot of grief in the event something happens. Also, cameras can be your best friend so be sure to take lots of pictures and save them on a remote computer or print off and save in a safety deposit box. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and it could be true in this case.

Enjoy the articles and more soon from "The Dawn of Real Estate"

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